Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Musée National D'art Moderne

Here are the very belated pictures from the modern museum. This museum is the most out of place building in Paris and reminds me of a hamster tunnel. So much fun!

Sorry for the lack of updates! I’ve been really busy with Evelyne, yumi unne and hye song unne coming to visit this past weekend. (Pictures from their visit coming soon)

Thanks so much for visiting! It was so much fun and you guys forced me to do all the touristy things in one weekend, from which I’m exhausted. Now I don't have to feel guilty about bumming around in the apartment :)


One of my favorite pics of the city from on top of the modern museum
Another favorite - Esther in front of the museum

An amazing Mexican artist who put up this installation. When you look through the tiny hole from behind the white wall all the hanging dots make the image of an eye.

Details on the "Fat bride"
"The Fat Bride"

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